
土曜日, 1月 13, 2007



著者の吉野次郎さんはSFC出身で 現在日経BP社の記者をやっています。この本は古川先生から頂き読んだのですが、日本の放送産業の現状やそれを取り巻く環境の変化について、鋭く分析されていてとても読み応えがありました。

第1章 青山
第2章 阿久津
第3章 大井
第4章 小野
第5章 音田
第6章 小林
第7章 佐田&原


金曜日, 1月 12, 2007

N.C. YouTube×CBS




「CBS Brand Channelは開始後3カ月で4万人もの視聴者と750億PVを獲得し、さらにはCBSの視聴率が向上するという相乗効果を生み出している。」





木曜日, 1月 11, 2007

NC☆ 両方の規格が再生可能!


「韓国の電子機器メーカーLG電子は、Blu-ray DiscとHD DVDの両フォーマットを再生可能な初のプレーヤー「Super Multi Blue」を当地で開催の2007 Consumer Electronics Show(CES)で公開した。 」

「2月から1199ドルで米国販売が開始される。小売価格が200~500ドルのHD DVDプレーヤーに比べると倍以上の価格だが、500~1500ドルで小売されているBlu-rayプレーヤーに比べるとわずかに高い程度でしかない。 」 (2007年1月7日 CNETNEWS より

現状ではDVD間で HD DVD と Blu-rayの2つの規格があり、その規格の違いが再生できるメディアを選んでしまっています。
どちらのフォーマットに合うプレーヤーにするか、どのプレーヤーで再生できるDVDにするか、といったまるで 競い合いのようなことは、企業側が自分たちの目前の利益の都合でしかなく、消費者にとっては大変不便で迷惑なことです。

今回のように、 規格にとらわれずに再生できるなど、互換性を持たせるための取り組みに力をいれることが期待されているのではないでしょうか。


木曜日, 1月 04, 2007




皆さんは元気にしていますか。私は原稿作成+読書三昧の正月を過ごしています。中でも、元HP_CEOのCarly Fiorinaの自伝「Tough Choices- A Memoir」が読み応えありました。学部で歴史や哲学を専攻し、ビジネスとは何の縁もなかった彼女が、どのようにしてFortune 20 Company初の女性CEOになったのか、が素敵な文章で語られています。ゼミ生の皆さん、(特に女性陣)はぜひ一読ください。


○Leaders are defined by three things: character, capability and collaboration. Leaders are candid and courageous; they know their strengths and use them; they bolster their weaknesses by relying on others with complementary skills and by constantly learning and adapting; they know when they need help and seek it; they know when help is required by others; and they provide it. They have strong peer networks and are not afraid to share with others. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes and colors from every walk of life and level in an organization. They can emerge anytime and anywhere, but they are consistent and steady in their actions and approach. Leaders recognize, support and encourage other leaders (pp. 185)

○One of the reasons leadership is lonely is that it requires both passion and dispassion. a leader must be part of the team and yet able to step back and see clearly. Enough distance is required to make the tough calls (pp. 135)

○Sometimes leaders let others decide. And sometimes leaders build processes that help everyone make decisions and help people choose when they should lead and where they should follow (pp. 128).

○Leadership has nothing to do with title or position leadership is about making a positive difference for and with others. leadership is about the integrity of one`s character, the caliber of one`s capabilities, and effectiveness of one`s collaboration with others. Anyone can lead from anywhere at any time (pp. 168)

○Change doesn`t require 100 percent of the people to go along. It doesn`t even take a majority. It does take critical mass (pp. 115)

○Coping with change is like learning anything new- a new workout routine, a new diet, a new golf swing, a new job, at first it`s really hard. it feels unnatural and requires lots of effort. sometimes, you give up and go back to the old way of doing things. but, if you keep at it, over time what was once new becomes easier and easier until it`s almost second nature (pp. 120)

○Strategy is about making choices. Execution is about making those choices work (pp. 135)

●Setting Goalについて
○Set goals too low and people can overachieve the goal and yet still underperform against their competitors and the market; set the bar higher and people may miss the internal goal but still overperform against external targets (pp. 153)

●Making Mistakesについて
○"Yes, we will make mistakes. I will make them and you will make them- if we don`t make mistakes, we are not trying anything new. The goal is not perfection; the goal is progress. and in a world that`s moving faster all the time, an imperfect decision made in a timely fashion and executed well is better than a perfect decision made too late. we will make mistakes, but our goal should be to learn from them and not make the same mistake twice. when we fail or fall short or make a mistake, we will pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, learn our lessons and move forward. That`s what champions do." (pp. 201)